
A little about me (us?)

Hi, my name is Brian Williams (A+, MCP, MCSA / MCSE 2003),  and am self employed as IQ Spiral.  With 20+ years in the computer industry, I’d like to partner with you to meet your goals.  I’ve had various computer related jobs in the past, but perhaps the largest employment growth I experienced was the 15 years I spent at AT&T.  At different times in my career there, I was a desktop support guy for 400 attorneys, I was a server administrator for over 4,000 servers, and later wrote command shell (Batch), VBScript, and PowerShell for U-Verse to manage over 15,000 servers.  These weren’t small one liners – but in many cases 1,000 liners to solve large, complex deployment issues.  I hope to use this website to share knowledge for other admins like myself, to showcase the breadth and depth of my knowledge, and convince organizations that IQ Spiral could be a valuable partnership tool to expedite deployments and solutions in their organization.

Is it just you?

Yes, and no.  I’ve been in a world where there are other guys like me – whom I could partner with and take on larger tasks than just a one man operation.  If need be, it can be more than me, if the project warrants.

What could you bring to the table?

Given the right size job each of these 3 to 4 people:

  • An Extra PowerShell / Windows Server Admin / Architect
  • One or more C# Programmers
  • A project manager


With years of Windows Server support for a Fortune 500 and a background in command line.  I’ve been there and done that.  If you need convincing, just read my blogs and you’ll see the kind of code I can produce.

Cloud Computing / Azure

I’ve been working in Azure now for almost 2 years.  I can help leverage what Azure can offer for your business.  I’ve already helped companies move to the cloud – and I can help you too!  I’m big in to Azure PowerShell – and all things IaaS for Azure.

Windows Server Administration / Active Directory / DNS – DHCP / Hyper-V

Extensive knowledge in Windows Server NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 – There’s too much to list here, but suffice to say, I live in this world every day.

Managed Services

  • Backups
  • Server Support
  • Server Monitoring
  • Firewall / Network management
  • Desktop Support
  • Security and Patch Management


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